The first step to minimise and prevent acne scarring is to understand what causes acne.
For acne vulgaris sufferers, they suffer up to 10% to 15% chance of permanent acne scarring due to severe acne and delay in treatment. Cystic acne develops to severe levels and bad habits of picking on acne will make it worse. Early detection and treatment prevents permanent scarring because of reduction of inflammatory bumps, leading to less damage on the epidermis.
Appropriate acne scar removal treatment is always based on the causes of acne, as well as identifying the scar type to specifically target them.
Acne is the phenomenon of an inflamed tissue on the epidermis and multiple layers underneath, depending on its severity. Ice pick, boxcar and rolling scars are some of the most commonly treated types of acne scars. Usual affected areas are the forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, jawline and back. The scale of scarring are individualised.
The scale of skin damage and acne scar causation differs for each individual because of distinctive distribution, depth and pattern of scarring. While one individual can suffer from keloids and red acne marks on their back and chest, others might suffer from multiple other combinations on the same affected area.
Treatments factor in skin quality, colour as well as history of allergens and triggers to specialise and target specific scar tissue types to promote the best results.
PicoPulse acne treatments are effective, safe and affordable to target acne marks, blemishes and skin discolourations that appear after an outbreak. They take the form of dark marks, known as pigmented acne scars or red acne marks.
Pigmented acne scars are a result of built-up melanin while red acne scars are due to inflammation of blood vessels at the affected area. They take several months to heal on their own, therefore PicoPulse treatments speeds up the healing process by using a special wavelength to accurately target them.
The first step of these treatments are to focus on minimising active acne sites then reduce inflammation with maintenance treatments and treating them when they are finally stabilised.
Brown blemishes appear as the acne heals, and this phenomenon is coined the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). It is common amongst darker skinned individuals. It requires at least 9 to 12 months to heal by itself, but it involves you protecting your skin from UV damage. Lightening creams may be effective but it doesn’t yield results as fast as laser treatment for deep-layer pigmentation.
The PicoPulse Acne Scars Removal is the most holistic treatment to target the melanin, thus reducing the appearance of pigmentation over time. Multiple treatments are needed to yield the best results.
It’s distinctive characteristic is the appearance of a flat pink to red mark on the skin’s surface. Known as the post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), it is caused by an increase of blood vessel supply to the affected site and takes several months to fade away on its own.
Looking for effective acne scars removal treatment? One Doc’s treatment uses our signature One Doc PicoPulse to combat the haemoglobin within the affected site. It reduces the blood vessel supply and clears the redness quicker. Safe and effective acne scars treatment.
Is it safe on dark skin?
For each dermatological condition, there are specific treatments to cater to it. The wavelength differs to ensure that the surrounding skin damage is minimised.
It is 100% safe to use on all skin types, even on darker tones. However, sun protection with regular sunblock use is recommended when committing to a treatment programme.
How many treatment sessions before visible results?
Dependant on each individual’s scar and skin type as well as healing capacity. Usually 5 to 10 treatments are needed to yield the best results, as it is important to treat existing acne causes to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
If you require further assistance regarding our facial, please do not hesitate to visit our locations for a personalised consultation or contact us.
The information needed can be found here.